What Is Wii Motion Plus

What is wii motion plus : Snowboard kids wii.

What Is Wii Motion Plus

what is wii motion plus

what is wii motion plus – Motion Plus

Motion Plus Tracking / Motion Extender Sensor for Wii Remote
Motion Plus Tracking / Motion Extender Sensor for Wii Remote
Nintendo Wii MotionPlus accessory for the revolutionary Wii Remote controller again redefines game control, by more quickly and accurately reflecting motions in a 3-D space.The Wii MotionPlus accessory attaches to the end of the Wii Remote and, combined with the accelerometer and the sensor bar, allows for more comprehensive tracking of a player’s arm position and orientation, providing players with an unmatched level of precision and immersion.Every slight movement players make with their wrist or arm is rendered identically in real time on the screen, providing a true 1:1 response in their game play. The Wii MotionPlus accessory reconfirms Nintendo’s commitment to making games intuitive and accessible for everyone.

package contents: 1 x Motion Plus (White)

This item is 100% Brand New. Never used. It comes with 3 Months Warranty by Seller.


I am not really in video games but I finally decide to get a wii to play with my girls. I don’t regret a bit. It has been pure joy to play with them and see the little ones trying to figure out the games and challenges. Super fun!!!

BTW, this was something new (this photo) for me from a lighting standpoint. I used my black Plexiglas as a base, a continuous light for 1 minute, my 580 flash on manual at 1/16 power + soft-box to start with, and an exposure of over a minute and a half + 32 aperture to achieve the “star” effect on the blue led light (flare). What sucks is with such long exposure every little dust speck, every little scratch shows on the picture. Lot’s of stamp tool here to remove some of the imperfections. I am not super exited with the result, but it was a good experiment nonetheless.

Macro Monday project – 12/27/10
"Pure Joy”

My Life Through a Lens | 8/366 – "Birthday"

My Life Through a Lens | 8/366 - "Birthday"
Well, since today’s my birthday I thought that just taking the generic cake picture would be too…generic. Haha! Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that my dad’s getting me The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword bundle pack! It includes the game, limited edition LoZ Wii Mote with Motion Plus and the original soundtrack for the game! I pre-ordered it today. Link seems to be pretty excited!

For all my fellow Zelda fans out there I have one message:
May the Triforce be with you!

what is wii motion plus

Apple Pro Training Series: Motion 5
In this best-selling guide to Motion 5, you’ll learn to create sophisticated projects using Motion’s newest features. Master trainer Mark Spencer starts with the fundamentals of motion graphics and quickly moves into compositing, animation, motion graphics design, visual effects design, and the world of 3D. The book is fully revised to take advantage of the software’s new features. Whether you’re just entering the field or are already an accomplished motion graphics pro, this book will have you designing in Motion in record time.

• DVD-ROM includes lesson and media files
• Focused lessons take you step by step through real-world projects
• Accessible writing style puts expert instructors at your side
• Ample illustrations help you master techniques fast
• Lesson goals and time estimates help you plan your time
• Chapter review questions summarize what you’ve learned and help you preparefor the Apple Pro certification exam